Wednesday 31 August 2011

Unleashing Potential in God

Luke 1:37
New International Version - UK (NIVUK)
37 For nothing is impossible with God.

When I seek to do God's work through my energy, strength, knowledge and effort it limits the potential I have in Christ to live for God's Glory and expand His kingdom.  I get nowhere, really!  But when I allow God to work in me and through me by His Spirit, in His power, in His strength, in His knowledge, God will bring Himself Glory through my life, not because of my efforts but because of His grace and will!  The potential my life has in God working in me and through me is limitless.  God can expand His Kingdom through me, even though I face impossibilities around me, nothing is impossible.

God I pray that you will work in me, use me, despite my sinfulness.  Please, bring yourself Glory in and through me.  Please do the impossible things through me, change people by your spirit, lead people to understand the Good News of Jesus Christ!  Please do the impossible!  Unleash great potential through my life for Your Glory!  Amen.

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